Stage Mom: 06/15/2009 5:39 PM
So our dreams have finally come true.
Kristen Stewart and Joan Jett are together for r
ehearsals of The Runaways. Like twinsies.
What do you think about the haircut now? Not so far off, eh?
Stage Mom: 06/15/2009 5:39 PM
So our dreams have finally come true.
Kristen Stewart and Joan Jett are together for r
ehearsals of The Runaways. Like twinsies.
What do you think about the haircut now? Not so far off, eh?
Stage Mom: 06/16/2009 11:23 AM
Just kidding, crazy Pattinson fans! It's just makeup!
See? Stop crying!
Rob and co-star Emilie de Ravin continue to film scenes
at NYU for their upcoming filmRemember Me today.
After all the hullaballoo in NYC yesterday, the security on
set for Our-Patzs* seems to be amped up a little.
He's walking around with an umbrella in front of him, which
appears to be an attempt at a makeshift shield against the '
tweens and MILFs that areraining launching themselves
upon him like ravenous spider monkeys.
Like an umbrella is gonna help. We all know how that turned
out for Rihanna...
We caught you!
R-Patz was spotted smoking all over New York
City on Monday!!!
We love Robert, but we don't want to see our baby
give himself lungcancer!
Or emphysema!
Or even yellow teeth and bad breath!!!
Ditch the cancer sticks ASAP, R-Patz. Your body
will thank you!
<Perez Hilton>
© FPZ/Fame Pictures
When filming his new movie "Remember Me" in
New York City on Monday, June 15, Robert Pattinson
looked very frustrated and tired. Trying to calm himself,
he was photographed puffing a cigarette. Additionally,
the 23-year-old hunk was snapped sitting without the
companion of any of his co-stars.
During the filming of the movie, Pattinson was
spotted wearing a gray t-shirt matched with a plaid shirt
and jeans. He currently is in New York City to work on the
upcoming romance-drama flick, after wrapping his
scenes for vampire drama movie "The Twilight Saga's
New Moon".
On "Remember Me", which is scheduled to hit U.S.
theaters on February 12, 2010,
Robert Pattinson is slated to portray a
young guy whose brother's suicide splits his parents
and makes him "sleepwalking" through life. Set to join
him are Pierce Brosnan, Emilie de Ravin, and Chris
Cooper. Lena Olin, who previously worked on
"The Reader", reportedly was in negotiation to star
Stage Mom: 06/16/2009 4:36 PM
Ohh the excitement. Two days in a row is like a tiny
miracle sent from heaven. We can't wait to see this
performance from Kristen Stewart.
The actress met up again with Joan Jett for a
production meeting for The Runaways at the Anabelle
Hotel in Los Angeles today.
Do you think Joan Jett will make a cameo in the movie?
We hope so! We smell duet in the making!